Buying and Selling Art by:MOHAMMED HOESSEIN ENAS

Buying Mohammed Hoessein Enas paintings – Highest Prices Paid:  Artist Bio & images follow:

MOHAMMED HOESSEIN ENAS (Javanese, 1924-1995).

Mohamed Hoessein Enas (1924-1995) came to Malaya from Bogor, Java in 1947. Enas, who was largely self-taught, mastered a European style of realist portraiture, and painted portraits of several Sultans and members of Malaysian royalty. In 1956, he spearheaded Majlis Kesenian Melayu (later, Angkatan Pelukis Semenanjung), a group which included Mazeli Mat Som, and Zakaria Noor. This group was dedicated to depicting the Malay ideal of beauty and character.

Enas was a member of Fellow Royal Society of Arts, London; member of Board of Trustees; former Head of Design and Staging Services, Radio and Television Malaysia; and founder and first President of Angkatan Pelukis Semenanjung.

In 1990, five years before his death, Mohammed Hoessein Enas was appointed Royal Portrait Painter to HRH Sultan of Selangor.

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