Buying Dewa Putu Bedil paintings – Highest Prices Paid: Artist Bio & images follow:
DEWA PUTU BEDIL (Indonesian, 1921-1999).
Dewa Putu Bedil was born in Ubud, Bali, in 1921. Bedil was one of the youngest members of the Pita Maha group, which he joined in 1936. With encouragement and instruction from Rudolf Bonnet, he developed a unique painting style featuring an elegant palette of pastel hues. He is often associated with other Pita Maha painters including Anak Agung Gede Sobrat, who also painted scenes of Balinese daily life, dances and ceremonies.
Taman Budaya (Denpasar, Bali)
Tropenmuseum (Amsterdam, Holland)
Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (Leiden, Holland)
Exhibitions : Museum Nasional (Jakarta, Indonesia, 1995)
Centre for Strategic and International Studies (Jakarta, 1996)
Indonesia-Japan Friendship Festival (Morioka, Tokyo, 1997)
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